

Page history last edited by Donna Price 16 years, 10 months ago

Integrating Geospatial Technology


What Is Geospatial Technology?

The term "geospatial technology" refers to technology used for visualizing, measuring and analyzing the topographic features of the Earth.  There are currently three technology systems associated with this area: 1) global positioning systems (GPS); 2) geographical information systems (GIS); and, 3) remote sensing (RS).  One of the newer areas of development is web mapping. 



About Us:

Through funding provided by the Texas Regional Collaboratives and the Humble ISD Education Foundation, on November 7, 2007, a group of 53 science teachers participated in a workshop about integrating geospatial technology in the science classroom.  Each teacher received a Garmin eTrex Legend handheld GPS receiver, digital camera, curriculum, and carrying case, for her/his school.  We spent time learning how to use the equipment, participated in a concept scavenger hunt, and wrote lessons which incorporate geospatial technology.  This wikipage is designed to share the lessons that were developed on that day and since.


Integrating Geospatial Technology Science Lessons:

Click on the links below to view our lessons.


Elementary GPS Lessons


Middle School GPS Lessons 


High School GPS Lessons



Need more equipment?

Participants of the original training have the ability to borrow additional GPS units and cameras for their students to use.  There are two class sets of 6 digital cameras and 6 GPS handheld receivers ready for loan.  Please click below for more details.


Loaner Equipment




Geospatial Technology on the Internet:


Other Resources  



Contribute Your Own GPS Lesson:

Click on the template below to download the lesson plan template and email it to donna.price@humble.k12.tx.us


GPS Activities for the Classroom Template.doc 




We are committed to making the study of the natural world as engaging and interesting as possible for our students.  Please visit the comments page to let us know what you think about this exciting frontier.


Brought To You By:

Lake Houston Science Collaborative (LHSC)

Humble ISD Education Foundation

Texas A&M Institute of Renewable Natural Resources

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